Wednesday, 22 January 2014

PSW's work with other Healthcare's true

By Cynthia Herron

Personal Support Workers work with a variety of healthcare professionals in their daily work lives.  Lately we have been in communication with bloggers/healthcare professionals who will from time to time guest blog for us. 

Today our guest blogger is Lloyd Drayton, who blogs at Recreational Therapy Jobs.  His article (which starts below) was originally posted on December 3rd 2013, on  It is an enlightening article that we highly recommend.  We also recommend that you follow his blog.  Here is the article:

Recreational Therapy Key to Living Engaged Lifestyles for Seniors

By Lloyd Drayton

There are many seniors living across the country.  For many of them, there is a serious issue of living under-stimulated lives.  Many are in situations where this under-stimulation is leading to their physical, mental and emotional deterioration.  For those seniors in this situation, there is hope.  Many senior homes or community-based senior services are bringing in recreational therapy programs.  These new programs are helping their seniors to lead engaged and active lifestyles.

Recreational Therapy is a useful tool in helping seniors embrace healthy changes in their lives, or to recuperate from health setbacks.  It is especially good for seniors who don’t want to leave their home for whatever reason.  For those seniors, recreational therapy services can be delivered in the comfortable and familiar surroundings of their home.  

Living a continuously active lifestyle, as we get older will slow down the aging process and mental deterioration.  For many seniors this means that recreational therapy will have to play a significant role in their later lives.

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